Happy Mothers Day 2019

In recognition of all Moms out there, I would like to thank you and wish you a Great Mother’s Day Weekend. All of you that spend sleepless nights and endless days caring and worrying about your family, you deserve more than one day of recognition. Remember to be able to help and serve your family, you have to take care of yourself. Too many mothers forget to take care of the themselves. Your family relies upon you.

Take the time now, this weekend, to schedule time for your health and well-being. Book a massage, you deserve it. If you have a float studio near you, that is another great option. The time spent in one of these will rejuvenate you and give you more energy and clarity to carry through with all you have to do. If you are in the Jacksonville area, you need to check out Be Still Float Studio. It will be worth every penny and every minute.

Even taking a few minutes on a daily basis for meditation, mindful breathing or Yoga have been shown to have help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and inflammatory responses.

In just five minutes per day you can balance the nervous system (associated with stress) and emotional state.  This can be performed almost anywhere, you just need 5 minutes and a quiet spot. Using this simple breathing technique you can achieve higher energy, mental clarity and feel better fast, anywhere. Use Cardiac Coherence Breathing whenever you begin feeling a draining emotion such as frustration, irritation, anxiety or anger. Find a feeling of ease and inner harmony that’s reflected in more balanced heart rhythms, facilitating brain function and more access to higher intelligence.

Try this: Sit upright in a quiet place. Focus your attention on the area of your heart, Imagine your breath flowing through this area. Breathe slower and deeper than usual. Inhale deeply for 4 seconds, hold the inhalation for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold the exhalation for 4 seconds, repeat. Don’t worry if you lose track of your breath or your thoughts jump back in the way, just gently guide your thought back to your breathing. The more often you do this the easier it gets.

As you start to get better at this and the breathing becomes more natural to you, begin to think about someone you love or have great appreciation for. Feel that feeling in your chest. Picture giving that person or pet a big hug in appreciation of being there for you. The feeling of calmness and peace you can achieve in just 5 minutes will help carry you through whatever is in front you.

I sincerely wish all the Mothers out there a great weekend and a strong, healthy and happy life.

One thing you can do for yourself today that is absolutely FREE is sign up below to receive updates from Livehealthstrong and get posts sent directly to your inbox.

You can also find LiveHealthstrong on Facebook and Twitter. One thing you can do for someone you love is forward this to a Mother that you know that may need this.

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