Live Health Strong


We only have limited time on this planet. Every minute counts. The closer you get to those final minutes the more they count. I personally don’t want to leave without making a positive impact. As long as I can remember I wanted to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Right now there is a food and health crisis. Every dollar that goes towards the industrial food suppliers is a part of the problem. Starting with fast food. As well as all of the processed food in our grocery stores.
Make today the day you decided to make a difference in your health and the health of your community. Stop supporting the food manufacturers that are making us and keeping us sick.
If you are not sure where to start. Start with the easy stuff. Make your self a promise that you will not eat or drink anything out of a can. How hard could that be? Try one whole day. How about a week? Do you think you can do it? Let’s do it together. Leave your comments or email me. Starting today. Let’s see how many can go a full 7 days with out eating or drinking anything out of a can.
Next week we Will step it up a notch and see how many will commit to not eating fast food for 7 days.

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