Month: December 2020

mountains, canada, girl

Get ready to reset your entire system this New Year!

These benefits are achieved by switching all cells to a protective anti-aging mode. By promoting autophagy (the body’s process of cellular renewal) and replacing damaged cell components with newly generated functional ones, and by killing damaged cells and replacing them with newly regenerated cells from activated stem cells. It shifts the body into a visceral (abdominal) fat-burning mode.

Genetic testing through Apeiron: Your first choice for a comprehensive look at your Genetics.

I am so excited about being a part of this. In my 30+ years in health care I have never seen anything like this. Everything changed, for the better, for me and my family once we got our genetic results back from Aperion Zoh. Simple lifestyle modifications can make an enormous difference for your health-span. …

Genetic testing through Apeiron: Your first choice for a comprehensive look at your Genetics. Read More »

An existing drug that has been shown to stop the spread of COVID?

An existing drug that has been shown to stop the spread of COVID?  First they emphasized the need to lock-down, which made sense at the time based on the limited data that was available. Since then they have failed to recognize the collateral impacts; financial, social, psychological, etc., that have occurred due to these policies.  …

An existing drug that has been shown to stop the spread of COVID? Read More »