R Gamiz

DHEA and Anti-Aging

A plethora of new human studies reveals that DHEA protects against common age-related diseases such as chronic inflammation, immune dysfunction, arteriosclerosis and brain aging.

Holy Basil

Revered since ancient times. This adaptogenic herb can help with a variety of ailments. Take a minute to read this article I think you will enjoy it. If you are not sure where to get Holy Basil, you may find it the form of Tulsi tea. If you prefer to take it in a capsule. …

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Why Is AMPk Activation Important?

AMPK is an enzyme essential for maintaining energy balance. It consists of 3 proteins (called sub-units) that together create a functional enzyme. AMPK is expressed in various tissues, including the brain, liver, skeletal muscle, and fat cells. The net effects of AMPK activation include ketogenesis, stimulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation, inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, triglyceride synthesis, and lipogenesis, and the stimulation of glucose uptake and skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation.