Why We Age

Is it possible to slow the aging process? 

We may not be able to reverse aging, yet. But we can certainly slow it down. Researchers and scientists agree that aging is the result of cellular deterioration caused by free radicals.  It is impossible to avoid free radicals because the food you eat and the air you breathe, as well as stress or even vigorous exercise can stimulate cells to produce destructive free radicals in staggering numbers. I personally found this out when I was competing in triathlon’s, I could not believe  how fast my hair started to go grey and how aged my skin started to look.  The human body fights free radicals by producing its own antioxidant enzymes, but as we grow older our bodies produce more free radicals and fewer antioxidant enzymes to fight the battle of aging.  This is where we can hack into the system by boosting the body’s production of antioxidant enzymes at the cellular level and create more stable cells with enough neutralizing capacity to reduce age-related diseases caused by free radical damage.

According to Merriam-Webster’s medical dictionary Oxidative Stress (OS), is a physiological stress on the body that is caused by the cumulative damage done by free radicals inadequately neutralized by antioxidants and that is held to be associated with aging.   So then if one can reduce the amount of OS and free radicals, we can slow the aging process and many of the diseases associated with aging.

By now, we have all heard the damage that free radicals promote in our bodies.  Scientists now believe that many of the diseases we as humans suffer from are due to oxidative stress and excessive free radical production. Just to name a few, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic inflammatory diseases have all been associated with oxidative stress and free radicals.

Oxygen drives many chemical reactions in our bodies. Oxidized or damaged fats in our bodies create further inflammation leading to Chronic inflammatory diseases.  The membranes of the cells in our bodies and our brain’s are made of fat. If your body is using oxidized fats to make the cell membranes of your body, then these cells are less flexible, less effective and more susceptible to damage leading to disease and accelerated aging.  Having the right kinds of fats that are less susceptible to oxidation available for cellular production is essential.  A good source of this kind of fat is MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) derived from coconuts as well as avocado oil  I have been cooking with it and adding it to my coffee for almost 2 years.  I can definitely tell the difference in clarity, lack of cravings, mood, and little to no need of anti-inflammatory medications.  Just as important if not more so is to avoid the wrong kinds of fats, like Trans fats and vegetable oils.  Limiting substances that increase OS like MSG and Aspartame is also essential in maintaining good health, cellular and brain function.  There are also several medications that are known to increase OS and cellular damage.  Tylenol and Beta blockers are just 2 of these.

You must also have the best formulations and compounds available to help your body decrease the production and eliminate free radicals . Glutathione and Protandim are the 2 that I Have been using.  The FEBS Journal published a study : Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration, reporting that there is significant evidence that the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, may involve the generation of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunction. Glutathione is an important intracellular antioxidant that protects against a variety of different reactive oxidative species.

Web MD reports Glutathione when taken by mouth may help with:

• Cataracts.
• Glaucoma.
• Preventing aging.
• Treating or preventing alcoholism.
• Asthma.
• Cancer.
• Heart disease.
• High cholesterol levels.
• Liver problems.
• Chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Memory loss.
• Alzheimer’s disease.
• Osteoarthritis.
• Parkinson’s disease.

Protandim is a supplement that combats oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation.
Comprised of 5 natural plant ingredients, Protandim is a patented, science-based, research-backed formula that has been tested and validated by renowned universities and institutions.  It is the only supplement clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days.
Protandim activates Nrf2, which communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they’re already designed to do: up-regulate “survival genes,” genes that enable cells to survive in the face of stress from free radicals and other oxidants, and down-regulates other genes to help the body function at an optimal level.  From a study published in Antioxidants (Basel). 2016 Sep : Protandim, a combination of five herbal ingredients, potently induces antioxidants in oligodendrocytes (specialized brain cells) and is able to protect oligodendrocytes against oxidative stress by preventing ROS-induced cell death.

I remember the first visit to my Doctors office after I had been taking Protandim for about 8 months. My Doctor who is a Functional Medicine Specialist said to me when my blood work came back that it looked like I was 20.  Hearing that from my PCP at 44 was amazing!  I told him what I was taking and he told me not to stop.  He did ask me to add high quality fats to my nutrition, at the time he recommended krill oil.  To this day, almost 49 now, I continue to take Protandim and krill oil.  I have also added MCT oil and real butter from grass-fed cows to my nutrition. My blood work continues to show very low numbers for inflammatory markers including specialized tests for cardiac inflammatory markers. I am looking at my results where he has hand written notes with A++ next to these test results. At my last test my Triglycerides were 61 well below the 150 max.

I added Links above to the products I use and believe in.  I have recommended all of the above products to friends, family and patients. the results can be amazing.  As always remember this blog and none of these products are intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.  If you have a medical condition you should consult with your healthcare provider.  I do recommend you look for a Functional Medicine Specialist. Follow this link to find a Specialist near you. https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/.










Antioxidants (Basel). 2016 Sep 7;5(3). pii: E30. doi: 10.3390/antiox5030030


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