The Only Body You Are Ever Going To Get

I enjoy watching the Olympics. The games and competitions themselves but also the stories of adversity that many of the athletes must overcome to get where they are.  There are personal situations, health and injuries to overcome.  How many of us non Olympic athletes would overcome and conquer several surgeries and injuries to participate fully in life or in a sport? Unfortunately the answer is probably too few.

But this year there was a commercial that really struck me.  It went something like this.  Imagine that what ever stage you are in right now in life,  You are informed that your current vehicle is the last vehicle you will ever own. You can not trade, sell it or buy a new one, ever!  NO matter what shape it is in, whether you took great care of it or not.  Whether you changed the oil or not, or you did, but you used the cheapest oil around, never cleaned or waxed it, you are stuck with for the next 10, 20, 30 or more years. Having fully realized this, I imagine you would want to learn everything possible about your vehicle.  And at this point, no matter what shape it is in, you would begin to take care of it and try to reverse any damage that has been done.

This may not be true about your current automobile, but it is true about your body and brain.  We each are a collection of thoughts and experiences that have occurred to us and are unique to each of us, making us who we are.  The world is individual to each of us.  These thoughts and who we are, we must carry every day in this one body, this vehicle we were given.

Imagine you just inherited a million dollar race horse. It has already been winning major races in its career.  Would you feed it McDonalds and pizza?  Start giving it Soda and ice cream? If you did that how long do you think this beautiful animal would keep winning?  Or would you make sure it had a trainer?  Would you seek out the best possible nutritional plan, in order to keep this horse at its finest? 

Since you are on this page and reading this, I imagine you might be something like me and would like to take steps to have a healthy, strong body that can fight off sickness and recover quickly when unexpected things happen. Taking care of our body and brain (meat and biology) alone is not enough. We must be even more vigilant on our thoughts. Like watching a garden and at the first sign of weeds, we have to take these out.  If left they will take over the garden and ruin what could have been a masterpiece.

Often I hear, well its too late for me, look what I have done to this body.  I got news for you, as long as you still have a pulse it is not too late. It is too late, however, after you no longer have a pulse.  Since you are reading this or you are maybe having someone read it to you, I am going to assume you still have a pulse.  So sign up below to receive regular updates on how to best take care of this one body and mind we were given.


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