Update from Richard

I know it’s been a little while since my last post. I have not abandoned this page or blog. In the coming weeks I will be launching a Mens health coaching program. It is taking some time to get it all set up. I want to make it the best experience possible for you. If you are above the age 45 and want to slow the aging process, shed fat and increase energy, stay tuned. Bookmark this page, and come back soon. This could be the health transformation you have been looking for.

Here is a quick tip on a supplement that I have recently increased. Turmeric is now available in liquid form. I bought it at costco, but you can order it online. I will include link below. I began taking it a week ago. I can’t tell you that I have noticed any significant changes yet, But I will keep you posted.

I can tell you this since I have been taking Protandim that includes turmeric, which is about 6 years now. I have only had 1 or 2 short episodes of right ankle pain (minutes not hours or days). That is the same ankle that I dislocated and had casted twice as kid. The same ankle that would flare up and hurt for no reason, not mention if I tried to go for a run or play basketball. Before Protandim and eliminating potatoes and canola oil from my diet the pain caused by this ankle would have me limping and wearing an ankle brace sometimes for days and taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen. Now, I can’t even remember the last time I had to take any Anti-inflammatory. I am thankful everyday when I wake up and have no joint or back pain. I am 100% positive that the way I feel is not by luck or genes, but rather because I have taken the time to learn what causes my body to hurt and what keeps it running healthy, strong and pain free.

We have one body, we need to make last literally for a lifetime. I plan on doing everything possible to hack into my biology to stay healthy and pain free as long as I can, because I can’t imagine a life of pain, suffering and endless amounts of pain killers. It is my mission to help keep you informed about what I think is the best way to keep the one body you have in the best shape possible.

So here is some more information on Turmeric.

Qunol Liquid Turmeric

The Power of Curcuminoids

Qunol Liquid Turmeric provides one of nature’s best kept secrets, curcuminoids, a group of antioxidants that have strong, natural anti-inflammatory† benefits for physical overexertion. Curcumin can also play a major role in supporting joint health.*

Extra Strength Formula

Each serving of Qunol Liquid Turmeric’s patented formulation contains 1000mg of curcumin with 95% curcuminoids. Other turmeric formulations may only contain 5% curcuminoids.

BioPerine for Improved Absorption

Qunol Liquid Turmeric contains BioPerine, a patented black pepper extract that enhances absorption and increases bioavailability.

Anti-inflammatory and Joint Support*

Get moving! Qunol Liquid Turmeric provides anti-inflammatory† benefits for physical overexertion, and can also help promote joint comfort.*

High Quality Guarantee

Qunol Liquid Turmeric is carefully sourced from the highest grade of curcumin available.

May help reduce temporary inflammation associated with physical overexertion or other lifestyle choices. This product is not intended to treat, prevent or cure inflammation associated with any disease.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information I share on this webpage, on Facebook, or directly or indirectly through any other means, including: text, images, audio, or other formats, is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Here is the link: https://www.qunol.com/collections/shop/products/qunol-liquid-turmeric-1000mg-40-servings-20-3-ounces?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1NzZBRCoARIsAIaMwuuTHRBo5xzyBckEjFl9Yt2QeSlawBdXmzx_8_ZrVdGiNd0-2xSdI2oaAtF8EALw_wcB

This is not an affiliate ad.

2 thoughts on “Update from Richard”

  1. This is so informative I intend to go to Costco this weekend and buy it. Thanks so much. Tell her I said hello

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